Mages need help in pvp and tanks need help in pve.

Kalizza posted some great ideas on tanks for pve which would seriously help them get back in the game in another post here. This would open up end game pve soo much for tanks and would seriously help the problem with end game tanks getting bored and leaving game or changing class...

Quote Originally Posted by GoodSyntax View Post
The source of the issue is why Tanks aren't really welcomed in party. It all comes down to the fact that Warriors don't save much in the way of ankh (which is the real currency for elite, since pots are just the cost of doing business) because many mobs and bosses one-hit, tank or no tank, yet their presence slow down runs tremendously.

The solution in my mind is to have Warriors deal massive debuffs on armor, hit %, damage, etc. AND strong party buffs. If a Warrior can debuff mobs and bosses enough that there is no appreciable difference in overall run times, AND their presence can save you some pots/ankh, then the entire dynamic of tanking changes. If I can save some pots and ankh but still farm at the same rate, then my preference would be to have a tank. But, when I'm paying 30-40k or 12 plat for DMG, DMG Reduction and Reroll kits every 30 minutes, the Warrior penalty means I get in one or two fewer runs than with a full DPS party, so the cost per run increases by as much as 40%!

Here is an idea on skill upgrades:
VB: Extend buff to entire party
RC: Double the buff time
WM: Extend attack range, mobs/bosses hit get a -30% armor debuff for 6 seconds (10 if charged)
SS: 50% Damage reduction to affected mobs/boss for 6 seconds (10 if charged)
HoR: Panic mobs in range
AT: -30% armor debuff for 6 seconds
CS: 100% interruption of windup on bosses! 100% stun!
Jug: Damage taken while skill is active is also reflected back on the attacking mob/boss

Obviously, these added effects would only apply to PvE, but if these were added, why wouldn't DPS players want to run with tanks?

And basically mages need better stuns or our skills to work (as half of them don't work in pvp), stun immunity and some sort of shield extension as right now people just wait the cpl seconds our shield is up and then bam dead. Mage damage output is not high enough to kill anyone basically before our shield goes down and we dead. There's too many good ideas to fix this that I've seen to pick just one, but they've been promising to fix this for years and years now, and the problem is acknowledged, it just keeps getting postponed again and again...
Most end game pvp makes have just given up game or changed class as well.

Apparently other classes just don't matter enough for them to finally get either of these things addressed as the community has been addressing these problems for years.

Gg... Have fun enjoying both pve and pvp rogues of AL

The rest of the population will just sit on the sidelines and be bored