Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
Just wanted to share my experience with the Lovecraft event. I ran the event mostly with my level 10 twink sorcerer. I ran the boss many hundreds of times and looted a ton of chests and a ton of letters. I was able to craft enough tokens to purchase one of every sorcerer vanity item and multiples of a few of them.

I opened a ton of the chests, and managed to loot multiples of every single item except I did not get one single Golden Wings for sorcerer

This is the one item I wanted more than all others, and it's a shame that I cannot even trade for one or purchase one from another player. Meanwhile I have 6 or 7 wings for warrior and rogue which are of no use to me because I don't play those classes.

I can understand the logic of making leaderboard vanities non-tradable since that way only those who worked hard for them will have them. However, the last few events have kept the leaderboard vanities tradable, so that logic seems to have been overlooked.

In any case, there is absolutely no reason why vanities which are looted from chests should not be tradable, especially if you are going to make it so that a sorcerer can loot warrior and rogue vanities from those chests. I cannot think another example in my 2+ years of playing Arcane Legends (since the beginning) where a class specific item that was looted from a boss was not tradable.

Anyway, I hope STS will reconsider this in a future update. It would be nice to get my sorcerer golden wings, and I'm sure there are warriors and rogues out there who would love to purchase my warrior and rogue wing vanities. I farmed like crazy this weekend to loot these items and 75% of the ones I looted are absolutely useless to me.

And a couple other (much smaller) complaints:

1) If you are going to make it so that I can loot dragkin teeth with my level 10, then you must allow a way for me to cash them in at the dragkin teeth vendor.

2) What good is looting 1 story token? This happened to me a couple of times after killing the event boss. What can I do with 2 story tokens?
Your calm nature is shocking... I gotta start writing down notes haha.

But anyways! Yes! you're totally right. Although this event was super disapointing for many of us, Its time to improve for next time

R.I.P - Golden Wing Vanity "You'll get it eventually"