Quote Originally Posted by Ladylove View Post
Teehe -twirls hair-

This one is reaaaaally embarrassing. Like.. super. When I was in middle school, we had to do sit-ups in partners in PE. You know, where one holds the feet and the other does the sit-ups. Well, I was doing sit-ups. My stomach wasn't feeling too great and with the pressure from the sit-ups... I totally farted... out loud... yeah...
That has happened to me before! LULZ!
Anyway, mine was this:
One time, in my freshman year at high school (bad enough), I was gonna ask someone out, right? So here i come, walking to her locker. I go "Hey, umm, yo! You wanna...um..." Right there, my friend pushes me *PUSH* and I fall right into the...area. not telling which one..so ehhhh.....I ran like hell.