Quote Originally Posted by Kingofninjas View Post
Nekro broke PvP. Giving one team stun immunity and no viable way to break the shield makes one team OP and the other food. Most rogues cannot afford to rush and try to break the shield with pure damage. Believe me, I have tried. In all honesty, I would rather face 3 sns and no nekro over 1 nekro no sns any day of the week. Even with sns, with a well time heal and a lucky crit, you can win the clash. With nekro, unless the enemy dps are ridiculously defensive, there is pretty much no hope.

For pve, especially pure arena, nekro and sns provide such a huge stat boost that they dominate those runs, and having a team of 1 nekro 3 sns or even 2-2 would annihilate tombs. Once the timers in arena came back, I had this naive notion that I would be able to get on arena lb, but you need a ring and ideally a nekro or sns for that.

What baffles me to this day is why sts made so many buff Nerf cycles with sns. It should have remained the way it was immediately after the ursoth event, when a single pool could not kill a tank. Stacking sns was such a huge error IMO. No other pet stacks, and when a pet with such a powerful aa stacks, it can wreck havoc. No pet should deal more damage than 4 rogues, which is what happens in arena if pools stack and we manage to lure boss into them.

Also, yes samael reigned for for to long, but having a samael in the opposing side never meant instant loss as is the case with nekro. I do not have much of a problem with sns because it is avoidable. It hard be hard in CTF maps, but it is possible. With nekro, you can't even out run it because it panic and slows you, simultaneously giving the enemy speed and stun immunity. It makes 1 team impossible to 1 combo or even stun while stunning the other team. It is unbelievably frustrating to shoot 2 full combos into a rogue with nekro shield, only to be 1 hit by a stray uncharged aimed. Playing against nekro, especially when the opponents are unskilled and win only because of nekro makes me want to throw my device against the wall. As of now, nothing can beat a player with nekro of the other player doesn't have one which is just stupid for a game where PvP is one for the main focuses.

Just as there are skills to prevent or reduce SNS pool damage, there should be made pets that disable a Nekro shield. Violet was a nice start, but I agree...there needs to be more.