Nice guide. I've also had a lot of previous PvP experience, hitting rank 13 in WoW and playing on 2200+ arena teams. After playing for a little while on my enchantress (126 int, 75 dex), I am absolutely struggling. I thought I had the perfect mix of Mp/s (14) and crit (28) to be a heal throwin' shield poppin' AoE machine.

But 2 hits from a bow or a single damage ability I am dead before my first attack even registers. Granted some of this is probably lag (Aussie here) it just feels like I don't even have a chance at the moment.

Even if I get the jump on a warrior, I can go through a full rotation of Lightning, Ice Storm, Firestorm, Drain Life, only to have him slowly turn around and take me down with a beckon and a single hit.

Enchantress and Archer survivability needs to be brought up to at least be comparable with a full dex bear. I understand that I'm always going to be easier to kill than a tank, but at the moment heal might let me live for another 0.9 seconds. I thought at least with putting all my points into dex after I hit 112 int, I'd be some sort of a "glass cannon" type build. But at the moment I feel like a glass pea shooter, and the only class I can take down with any kind of consistency are other enchantresses.

Sorry to go on a bit of a tangent there, I guess what I'm getting is at is that you hit the nail absolutely on the head with how the classes play out at the moment.