Quote Originally Posted by Appeltjes View Post
Uhmm high isn't in night but okay, and may I ask what lvls your team and the enemies are?
Highmountain was posting pictures of merc that had some of the same players in it as the pictures that are being posted of night.

There is a 1 lvl difference between 2 players. One of our warriors doesnt have a para though. Each team had maridos and 2 singes(either team couldve used 3) and same lineup - 2 warr, 2 rogue, 1 mage. So its pretty much even.
We still win without a 40 percent dmg reduction shield, stun and freeze immunity, 30 percent movement speed buff and an aoe slow.

Axentz - 18
Magicflava - 17
Donboulala - 18
Miraie - 17
Piranhia - 17

Subvvays - 18
Conducts - 17
Idreaml - 17
Kayaliketacos - 17
Tentativelu - 16