Quote Originally Posted by conradin View Post
birds may dominate lvl 40 pvp and above but i still think a pally or int mage fits his needs. e doesnt want to guzzle pot, he wants to solo maps (easily done with kiting and mana sheld, plus a pallys armor) and mages can do very well at endgame pvp
No offense to pallys (or bears!) and I admit to a certain birdly predjudice but I was going with this statement from his first post:

"I'm more about PvE than PvP."

Birds are lovely in PvP, but we rock in PvE, too. (My purely 100% biased opinion, lol.) And we're cute! Did I mention cute? (Okay, so bears are cuddlier, I admit.) And Fallen, mage is an excellent choice, too. Riccits has it right, though--eventually you'll be hooked and try them all.