Quote Originally Posted by Frenzyn View Post
Not joking, i really recommend blender. its 10x better than any 3-D Software i've ever seen in my life, it can do anything, and to some people, i'm merely a beginner.

also *cough* its free. Now now, don't be discouraged by the fact its free means its bad, its actually one of the best 3-D softwares out there, and has been used to create hundreds of movies. (ex. transformers) for visual effects.
i was able to get a 3 year liscence for soft image and it works good enough for me lol. its a $20k software and i think it was used for the last street fighter amongst other things. if youre a student your proffesor will provide you with the link or whatever it was to get the liscence. its also for 3d animating, well its primarily for animating lol. imo, nothing gets any better than soft image... its the most used i believe next to maya