sts u talking about class balance?, i have joined recently to pvp endgame and i have seen the unfair class balance, the mayority of decent rogues are destroyed by the tanks, for example without pet compensation the warrior in many times has more damage than rogue (if the tank has a nekro and arc sword.) the heal is around 3k more than a rogue heal, armor is around 800-700k more than a rogue as someone says and you are decreasing the pasive critical wich is the rogues´s special stat, so tell me, with that difference of stats who you thing can win a vs? the mages now are so weak, in my case i have 5.7k heal-1.6k armor and without arcane shield i die in one rogue´s combo or by one warrior pool, and the thing about the skills mastery on razor shield is not aplicable to twink in lower lvl, so with the new update of rogues armor reduction you are DESTROYING TWINK at lower lvls and increasing the supremacy of the warriors in all pvp lvls...