Justg, Thanks for taking notice of Guild issues.
I Think we should have more than than just recruiter and officer rank, atleast a few more so members can actually work their way up and can we name our own ranks? Guild Stash would be awesome also being accessible by ranks and withdraw amounts of gold by ranks. This will allow The guild to help members and create a give n take cycle of reusable items. Would it also be possible we can design our own guild banner, representing our guild and a star next to our guild name signifying our ranks in guild? Like 1 star or 3 star for higher officer rank? And have a daily donation system if possible to stop guild hoppers, might make em think before leaving their investment invested. Maybe a special and unique skill for a guild of the masters choosing besides just the name. Having Guild wars would be awesome. But where how would it start? It be nice if guild can work toward some sort of guikd credit to build our guild towards pve or pvp guild bonus buff. I believe that will keep members active and devoted to what they help build. Birds of same feathers flocks together. Theres our request for guild enhancements. Hope we get some awesome enhancements. - <YOUYOUYOU>