Quote Originally Posted by Carapace View Post
This more or less accurately sums up our overall design idea for these gems. If players can lock awakening slots then there is an absolute goal which will be obtainable through the locking of slots. This in turn reduces the value of said items over a long period of time because every Arcane Weapon will only be worth anything if it has all Damage stats, or whatever the most valuable stat combination at the time is. The full blown re-roll reduces the odds of this existing exponentially, and this ensures when you get that ideal or close to ideal roll the secondary market value for that item will always be worth something due to its rarity because you have something special.

The desire to have the stats you want, as cheaply and easily as you want, for your personal weapon works great for a single player experience but ultimately creates a long term problem for farming and rarity in a multiplayer driven secondary market for these items. Once again, this is a supply and demand issue and as everyone can see from the recent Egg Event, a large influx of the thing everyone wants does not make it worth anything to those that farmed it or hoarded it because it was no longer special. Preserving some integrity through these re-rolls is important for this as a new system added to Arcane Legends.
Sure. But at some point don't you think the current odds are a bit discouraging for players? I mean, seriously... 1 in 300 MILLION chance to get this "perfect combination" you speak of. You don't think that players get discouraged by such ridiculously large numbers like that?