Quote Originally Posted by Waug View Post
I'm not trying to be rude buddy, but not getting other words due to limitations of my grip to English. You're none to decide if someone should complain about a valid point or not, rather definitely you can discuss about that particular point if ya could
Anyway as said earlier, let's devs decide & even though they don't it's really necessarily to show em that's how endgame is f-uped oops Dodged-mess

And as I said earlier, it's my duty to fix (I mean just show) the most active and special endgame pvp, but thx for suggesting twink anyway

I'm trying to fix (just show) endgame, if u like any other level, bring up the issues, if its justified I'll support that, don't worry I can't take the load to fix (just show) all levels FOR NOW, sorry for that, and this relate to befs post too

What the hell are you talking about, rofl. I've never once made a post complaining about balance issues. I've made comments on OTHER posts because most people make really naive suggestions like you do every other day.

You have this weird notion that for some reason you are special in the minds of the devs and they will listen to every post you make. That's not going to happen, please be realistic.

Youre re not going to fix end game. They've updated it twice since 80 was released only to make it worse. Why would you ever think they're going to add balancing changes to a game that's been dead for 3 years. It takes too much effort for them.

Removing dodge has been suggested 2719472927373930 times on this forum. This isn't anything new. Please stop.