Class changes, balances, new gear, specs, and content enhancements are minor changes compared to the human-computer-interface (HCI) mechanics introduced with GCD -- PL hasn't experienced a larger per capita player exodus in the past -- no other position is even defensible, numbers are numbers. I truly wish those were not the facts, but they are.

And I think there are a lot of players like me, I know 4 others in just my small group, who are all veterans/56, that have lost their love for the game with GCD. We don't play currently, but we're not giving up hope either. Monday, next week, or next month might restore the roar to PL. If not, I'm sure our interest in PL will continue to fade as it becomes a smaller and smaller part of our lives. One day, the last of us will even bother to check the forums. It's just the evolution of things.

Regardless, I have nothing but love for STS - the visionaries, the leadership, the game designers, artists, developers, and testers. STS invented a genre and showed other software companies what opportunities exist in the mobile market for MMO's.

In case I don't feel up to it in the future, STS -- this is why PL attracted me and kept me until the latest patch:

1. I'm a gamer at heart and have a long history of playing MMO's
2. My real life priorities don't allow for the massive time commitment required to be top-level in a game such as WoW.
3. I can play without wasting time doing things like travelling between destinations, repairing gear, or selling items.
4. Groups organically form and decay making it simple to access end game content without a large organized group (and the politics and infighting that comes with them).
5. Technology such as special/latest hardware or connection speeds don't provide significant advantages.
6. Simplicity of class make-up, skills, and tactics allow a player to be a student of the game without having to use higher mathematics.
7. Team-based PVP and PVE both with an emphasis on cooperative play for ultimate success.
8. The speed of which one could consume content and level players. PL has a grind, but the pace is such that other than 55-56 is nearly unnoticed -- yet it still needed to be earned.
9. The vibrant community who was a good group of people, unlike so many other games which are populated with undesirables.
10. The pace of the game play was finely balanced between an FPS and traditional MMO

That's pretty much it, flame away. =)