Quote Originally Posted by Ipooponfifteens View Post
You're really stupid that you still respond to all of this, you stay by pushing for what benefit? to show that you're the most stubborn of everyone here anyway I never really had a problem with you in the game, but you insult everyone including me, thanks to you. moreover Futurereal is a Mage, Tank player fyi maybe don't put in your bio that you're using Dope because that information don't seem necessarily for the forums here I'd say keep that for yourself or friends.

Ps: If i was a sore loser you'd be the first, what comes around goes around.
You're also stupid of replying back to all of this, because I know that I am in the right position to defend myself against you two. So you and Futurereal are the only righteous people that can talk smack here? Ha! That doesn't seem right, isn't it? lmao

Anyways, I don't have all day talking to you both, so I'll just end this by wishing you both a good luck in the game.