I don't see the problem on bringing back some kind of old stuff like the vanity(Elite Journey) from Kalizzaa Contest, since they are already a version as the begin of the game, no? We have some new maps and they are hard just as Elite was in the past.

If bring ALL crier, tabards, black heraldics it's not the "best" idea, which I disagree, then give us a chance to get that item again, as players from Kalizzaa's had. I know that is was a Player Made contest and many guilds and players helped to make it work. Maybe a new contest is an alternative which don't affect collectibles rare items.

But I would like to see in game again:

- Ring that was prize in plat tier from the 1st Goblin event. They have a certain kind of sparkles proc like Rendtail's on hand.
- Crier Sets
- Black Heraldic sets
- White cupid wings and Toga (I had it once ;-; lol)
- Para gem with new status
- Relic Skull Backpack
- Inan Hesh's Set
- Lepre Banner
- Original Jester (not recolour)
- Arcane Arifact with a Heart particle in Valentine's Day
- Red Hearts banner (big love)

Ok, my 2 cents about old LB/Contest vanities:

"Players wasted tons of gold/plats and effort to get a LB/Contest vanity" Ok, that's true, but is also true that many of those "players" are now banned for inappropriate behavior and cheating, and who knows if they cheated to get those Vanities, this is why the supply is lower than before, of course, and this make them more rare and expensive.
Why do not bring them as a prize again, if the problem is "effort to get a rare item" ok, bring the event/contest again, let us try to fight for it.

Want to release 300m vanity sets? Bring the event again, not only the prize.
Want to release Elite Journey? Bring the contest again, I would love to help and play on this one.
Want to release Original Jester? Bring the contest again.

Not saying to add a milion of them for plat and making it a cmon item, but... You see?