Moar, this is why I renamed my old main to a twink and re-made my main. I felt it necessary to challenge myself to do it better. For me, better means fewer deaths. My old main had over 1500 deaths. May new main has only 15 deaths (so far), and I want to get all the way to level cap with all quests complete. I never did that.

And seriously, I don't have all pink gear on the old main. I do want to complete my customized autobow set, but the drop rates are too low. I am seeking very specific items. Even if I did get some pinks to drop (and they stopped dropping for me in BS a month ago), they wouldn't be the right pinks. I have to echo nazgul asking humorously "are you mad!?" Please don't ask them to lower the pink drop rate. If you set the pink rate where it challenges those who play PL non-stop, it will make the rest of us feel very discouraged.

Have you been able to farm level 36 to 40 Osiris Str, Horus Dex, and Isis Int items? It's almost impossible. People use these items for dual twinks. You can't farm them in cozy little corridors where your bear clusters up the mobs so you can just mow them down. You have to run around the sand where the mobs are all spread out. People don't play there (AO1) except to level. A team of bored level cappers could farm a week and only get a few of these. I just don't know why they aren't more expensive.