Quote Originally Posted by Ryvz View Post
What attack you talking about? Its facts guy. If you want to attack I can do that too but don't make it personal and bring up peoples names in this. You completely avoided the basics of what I said. In reply to your "suggestion" I have no reason to have to talk to somebody who constantly yaps in my pm, telling me how to run maps. Or begs me for runs whenever i'm in a map, its annoying? do i have to reply to you? who are you? a King? Royalty? I owe you nothing, so don't expect anything. You come with a bad reputation, we've been warned multiple times, by reputable people in the game about you, and I still gave you a chance. So don't come here with your dramatic stories, nobody got time for that. Goodluck in the future to whomever accepts you.
Reputable people? Reputable person, who's screenshots mean nothing, perhaps you missed my thread in general. A) They're old, and B) weren't true in the first place. And the person I scammed, to his claim, stated I didn't and stated he thinks I'm a legit player. You listen to your slime ball, and stop dragging this out, obviously you've got time for it. It was a suggestion, the games boring, everyone knows you have got 0 skill, just gold, I thought it'd be nice to see actual skill, sorry I'm tired of seeing your ign where it clearly doesn't belong. You wanna see begging, I can beg, I'd plainly send you a pm. Hugeoldman, past gm of insane asylem on the subject of me becoming an officer stated 3 weeks after me joining (paraphrasing); I want to promote you to officer, I do, but you've gotta gain the support of officers. To do that they've gotta see you so "get in their face." I've stuck to that in a lot of events, life, this game or any other. That's what I did, I persisted, and your response is trusting the most toxic and slimey person ik? The guys a leech and a dummy farmer. He was in the house the same time as I was, beforehand just sitting there agreeing with everything Zen would say. Seriously, we're on forums, I made a suggestion which I've got a right to do, something you can't take away. Idk if you decide to criticize it, but the intentional tearing down of a forum goer isn't proper forum behavior, and proves how ignorant and short sighted you are. Now, I'm going to unsubscribe from this thread and never open it again, you're a waste of my time