Quote Originally Posted by MoarPewPew View Post
Barb meant you all would not be playing this game if we did not pay for Plat to support this game before the main spire came out. He was referring to the shield of gratitude.. Also welcome to the forums and please read the TOS because you obviously did not read it.
Honestly though, I believe the Android Generation brings in more sales then iOS Generation. It's quite obvious, which explains why Verizon's Androids get a beta on SL. It's just the way it works. Sure, while the old generation did help support the game, others help CONTINUE the support for the game when the older generation started to die off. They are both equally important, IMO. Neither is more important then the other.

Although, I'm extremely peeved that beta testers are only for a single platform, it gives an unfair advantage to those in SL. To be honest, it really angers me, considering those that were loyal to the company for many months now apparently just got the door slammed in their face. I believe they had stated that EVERYBODY would get an equal chance to get the name of their desire, when SL came out, with the exception on name reservations, of course. But now? It seems things have changed. Really disappointed me.