First off, thanks to anyone who called me a troll/flamer, wether it be indirectly or directly.

Tournaments like this promote bad blood between players because the possible rewards. My suggestion is to remove those rewards and create a surprise reward to be announced after the tourney or no reward at all. This should alleviate the flaming and trolling that has been going about due to the reward and the short date. People are nervous to be disqualified due to the date; I suggest you extend that as well.

Team Suggestions:
1) Make every member of a team post their timezones and have Sam approve it.

2) Only schedule matches with players in the same time zone.

3) Disqualify individual players for flaming/trolling/unsportmanship-like behavior; not the entire team.

That's all I have to suggest for now and hope the tourney works out for everybody's sake. I hope none of you flame me for grammatical mistakes, as I'm typing this out on an iPhone 4, whose browser crashed twice, making me type this same post again, twice.

I will not respond to any flaming posts directed towards me; if people wish to talk like intelligent gentlemen, that is completely fine by me.