I have encountered so many awesome players it's ridiculous in my short time in PL.

My first couple days in game, someone gave me a whole set of Crystalline out of no where. I was just standing around and GIFT,GIFT,GIFT,GIFT. Blew my mind. I really wish I could remember who that was so I could properly thank them now. For some reason I think it may have been Khaosangel...but that may just be because I've teamed with em a lot lately.

After that, I must thank Ellyidol - Whome also was very generous with a set of rift armor in a time of need. THANK YOU ELLY.

Then of course, Ebalere. Whose has been there for me since I started. Always helpful with advice and bits of gear to improve my performance. Much respect here and in Star Legends. Thanks Eb!

Plus many many others who are very kind and helpful. You guys have a great community here. (At least a strong backbone).