Hey Joker,

Although you probably deserved your rank much more than me, I'm in pretty much the same position. I've also lost my officer status because I had real life stuff to tend to. And the scarce hours I was online, all the GM's were not, because of time zones.

I too was slightly disappointed, because, like you, I had done all I could for the guild, helping people grind, donating stuff, etc. But being an officer is considered a job rather than a symbol of status or a reward for invested effort. We didn't show up for a while. Now, we lost our rank. BUT we're still welcome in the company and hopefully our previous contributions will put us first in line for a (re) promotion.

PL and SL were intended as casual games, that can also be played for just 15 minutes and are easy to get back into if you've been offline for a while. But (apparently) that changes a bit in the group dynamics of a guild.

I'm sure that when the guild becomes more stable, one can only loose a rank for intentionally doing something bad to the guild. Then it would be considered an honour to be an officer, rather than just a job.

But for now, they have a young, starting guild to manage and I'm sure these decisions were taken with care.