Ive gotten at lest 4 of my friends
I just said get PL and SL get it get it get it get it get it!!!!!
Ive gotten at lest 4 of my friends
I just said get PL and SL get it get it get it get it get it!!!!!
Delivery confirmed, tonight is the night! I definitely don't want to take it out of the box, I take great joy in unboxing gadgetry myself.
QA Ninja!
How about you unpack that new iPad and install PL and SL onto it, while moving all the standard apps to another page. That should give her a clear hint that you want her to play these games LOL
As for a way to give her the device, you could place it under her pillow and try and go sleep early. Let her 'find' the device herself
Edit: mm, just saw your ninja post about not wanting to unpack it :/
Eh, playing with your SO ain't that great. Mine, at least. She kinda really sucks.
Tell her she's cut off until she reaches level 20.
now for the shinanagins--- put it in a big TV box/ refrigerator box/somebigboxofsomethingshewants and give it to her. As she opens it up she is surprised by the Ipad. After she plays around on it sneak over and download the PL app (hint). Then come the art of subliminal messages. vaguely hint Pocket legends into everything so that by the end of the week she's dying to play PL- even if she doesn't know she is. then ask her if she wants to play, she'll try it out, and be HOOKED. Either that or you can do the art of inception- though its confusing bizz
RIP Twinktastic
AEO is the way to go~now recruiting
She's 50 with a decent KDR. She's just...bad. And not too fun to do anything but PVP with :/Originally Posted by Artentreri:537545
Tell her you need her to play with you bc she's so awesome and you want to show off the love of your life to all of your fans.
Flip. My dad knows me well. I arrived home late at night around 11 p.m. December 27th 2011 from a flight. I opened all my knick-knacks and clothes and then I found a peculiar present. I unwrapped it and it was a Pizza Box. I opened the lid and removed the paper and there was an iPad 2. True story. Also. Getting people to play is difficult.Unless you have similar qualities which I am sure you and your significant other share. I had my friend play. He made a character named Adamdaboss, leveled to level 6 and hasn't played since. It's really different with people that aren't into it directly...
I told ONEEE ex I play PL, He was disturbed that I was nerdy. Never did that again.
Bow Down to a Goddess 👑
LOL,LMFAO,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAOriginally Posted by Artemis:537792
But on the serious note, thats messed up, at least he is your ex
Shoes are shiniest when the day is dull
Garvhoz- lv40 commando/lv16 warrior/lv? bear
Sounds like you dodged a bullet Artemis! Being mad at people for being nerdy is soooo 1989.
Thanks for all the great ideas in this thread! What I wound up doing was replacing her alarm clock in the middle of the night with a nicely wrapped ipad2. When her alarm went off this morning she was, let's say, befuddled.
Get this: One of the first things she asked me about it was "Are your games free? Cause I'd like to play what you work on, but I don't want to get hooked!" Seems like she and RedRyder think alike =)
QA Ninja!
So, did she start? And is she impressed by your all powerful dev status?