Quote Originally Posted by Ebalere View Post
I'd like to say goodbye to all the friends I've made in the past year on PL/SL, and thanks for the laughs and good times. This was a tough decision but due to recent events my decision has become alot easier. I deleted my toons in both games and uninstalled, and I'll be uninstalling the mobile app and tapatalk as well. I wont go into detail as to why I'm leaving, I just know that it's for good.

Thanks KungFu for welcoming me into COT, even though my time there was short. Thanks to most of the members of IU for being my family and being there for me when I was down.

Amy, I just realized I should have paid you back that million you gave me when I rejoined PL before I deleted maybe the devs can give you the money that was in my account, they have my permission.

Ghost and Zalt, keep the SG strong, you're the last ones left.

To the Devs, thanks for choosing me to be SG and being prompt and friendly in all our dealings.

Goodbye STS, Community, Friends, Foes, and Family, you all hold a special place in my heart.

Peace! <3
Eb! Noooooooooo!:'(