I only played a few minutes, and don't get wrong, it looks great and i probably would have enjoyed playing the game, but i'm not even going to give it a shot. Well, i'm not disappointed in the game itself, but in STS. in 5 minutes of playing, i feel like it's more about sucking the wallets of you players dry than it is about us sucking the enemies dry.
- Character slots:
In PL, i was given 3 free character slots, and i think it was just 1 in SL, but they weren't that expensive to buy more. Now we get 1 and need to pay 50 plat for more. You should have told us this before we spent plat reserving out toon names.
- Purchasing Plat:
Well this link is up on the website now. In SL/PL, it is 2000 plat for $90 USD. in DL, its 500 plat for $50 USD. so i would need to spend $200 USD to get the same plat i could for $90 in SL or PL. Did you do this bc the game is geared towards adults? Is it that, since you are losing your younger crowd and part of your customer base, you are trying to get more from the older people that are going to play it, and you want to make up for the lost revenue?
I thought that DL was going to be something that eventually brought me back to STS gaming. It won't under these conditions, and i think that you are more likely to turn people away bc of this, even though i did have a good impression of the game itself.
I hope you don't take these criticisms as an attack.