Quote Originally Posted by Apostel View Post
Your comments and examples are sick and show a bit of your sick personality. Leave people here alone. I feel really bad that my english is not that skilled, otherwise you would hear more. Thats it, I am done with you.
No I'm putting things into context and putting it out there that twinking is looked at as being unsporting in every MMO.

It's fun because you have massive advantage over the majority of others in that level, with the exceptions of other twinks.

It's even worse when twinks band together to wtfpwn low level players, which happens more often than twinks competing against each other.

It' absurd how you justify it like you are helping other players. Seriously, helping other players to stay at level 5-7? Lawlz!

If you want to be a shining example of pvp prowess pwn at the 21 bracket where the playing field is more equal and competition is more fierce.