Quote Originally Posted by flashbackflip View Post
Playing the game after the update where STS changed 'social' button for 'store' one on lobby screen I really wish that you guys bring back social button

It's the button we tap first when login - to see guildies and our friends online - check the maps they r running and possibly join them

Now I tap on store button and then retap the social tab.. well.. this DOES NOT motivate me to buy something from store - SL store is not updated nearly as frequently as DL shop and generally SL is not so platinum oriented as DL (thank God) so there's really no sane reason to push us to go to the store..

Cmon guys! This is not useful in any way! Stop being over-greedy!! U already made a game concentrated on platinum - DL - no need to copy solution from one game to other, totally different one - this is just annoying for users

The reason you stopped getting as much money from SL as you used to is not 'invisibility' of the store - it's because the LACK OF CONTENT. As soon as you update the game - everyone will be capping again, spending plat on elixirs and respeccin and vanity runs with miner's luck

Make UI friendly (leave the store button if you so like it, but also add social one) and bring on some new content - and ppl will bring u cash themselves

Dont wanna sound like a troll but you cant re-roll a vanity. Switch it to legendary runs maybe? But yes, Im all for the social button.