Everything above and a better server.
Everything above and a better server.
I want STS to let the android and iOS release to happen at the same time, by waiting for ios then releasing it on android. I hope this won't work out like the dl release.
"...And may the odds be ever in your favor." ~Effie Trinket
1. Mixed classes (like PL Paladins or Dexbears)
2. Working Economy (ie, not like SL)
3. Enough customization to have people be distinct, but not so much you can't tell what class they are easily
4. A world that feels like an open world where something is going on that doesn't involve you.
1. Open world free roam
2. The ability to customize appearance like SL (helm/shoulders/back/left leg/right leg/neck/goggles/etc)
3. Quests
4. Begin with 150 inventory slots
5. Choice of gender
6. Nightly/Daily rewards
7. Smithing (armor,weapons,potions)
8. Faster character movement
9. Large array of emotes
TVIS - 56 Warrior | Pocket Legends Founder
TVIS - 35 Commando
TVIS - 31 Male Vampire
The best of both worlds an sts game that will blow players minds.
"Always Be Yourself""KOI & SP, will always be in my Heart"
I want to see more class options, even with the three given classes there can be more options. Perhaps the best example is the Bow Bear from pocket legends. If the classes can wear any armour and use any weapon by having their stats determine what they can and cant use then it opens the door to hybrid builds and creates a richer gaming system. I love being able to determine my own play style and not having to conform to some cookie cutter mold. Think about the blue healer critter coming out in Arcane Legends, what if you could sacrifice some intelligence for some strength allowing you to have a better armour class, or switch that out with Dex and allow the healer to dual wield rogue weapons. Flexibility is the key to player satisfaction, and if you dont believe me just look at any of the top MMO's on the market. The one thing they all have in common is ability for players to customize their builds and choose their playstyle.
Yes... I really need a mount...
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Things I want to be in or not in the game that I haven't heard them say will/won't be in there (or if I did I forgot):
- 17+
- More depth to the ally system - maybe a way to take risks through ally missions (risking gold, items, etc.) for the chance of a richer reward. Possibly longer mission options too - if I'm willing to wait more than one day for an ally I should have a chance to get better rewards, maybe even truly rare items and vanities. Personally I'm willing to wait a week if I had a chance of drops like that.
- In conjunction with the above - crafting without questing. Crafting as a skill possibly - without having to go in a dungeon or to a vendor to get components. Level of craftable items could be limited by skill, duration and skill level would be factors in the quality of the result. Ultimately a maxed out crafting skill used for perhaps a week on an ally should give you a chance of crafting a truly rare item. (It would be nice to have some choices in the appearance of the final item too.)
- Elixirs - including luck.
- Ability to stash elixirs so you can use them later.
- Ability to stack elixirs.
- More appearance customization at character creation.
- Mounts would be very interesting - especially rare mounts that get you into otherwise inaccessible areas. (Flying, swimming, etc.)
- "Pets" that are more than a vanity.
- If not functional pets then then the ability to summon minions that follow you and fight for you.
- Stealth mode, at least for PvE. (Stealth in town would rock too though. Hard to beg from someone you can't see. I'd pair that with "you can't talk while stealthed" to prevent spoofing/griefing/trolling.)
- Illusions, possibly as an alternative to stealth - let me make myself look like a bad guy to the bad guys so I can sneak up on them.
- Ability to host locked dungeons - this is missing in DL and has not worked the way I want in PL for some time (you can lock only the first dungeon, when you go to the next map it's unlocked.)
- "Try before you buy" - this applies to a couple of areas. 1) Character creation. I would like to be able to "try on" a character type before I play, see how it feels. 2) Leveling. When I am applying stat/skill points I'd like it a bit more like PL than DL. I.E. add and remove the new points freely, even being able to use the new skills in town/guild (not in actual combat) so I can see how they work before I make a final decision. They should not be final until I hit "save".
- Practice areas in guild, at least in top tier guild hall. I'd like a shooting range type room, a PvE room where random or specific enemies generate until you exit (but deaths there don't count against PvE death stat) and a PvP room where I could practice PvP with my guild without deaths counting against the PvP death count.
- Premium subscription - if I'm willing to commit to a monthly charge, or even more if I'm willing to prepay multiple months/a year/etc. then I'd like some exclusive goodies. Items, areas, discounts, etc.
- Mute that blocks emotes too.
- Global (all but friends) mute option so I can "ignore" everyone in an area but my friends.
- Ability to have punctuation in names.
- Ability to have spaces in character names.
- Ability to view previous or current dungeon visits, at least for friends and/or guildmates.
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*nods* I agree with everything n00bist said. Bravo.
I have very little experience with PL and almost zero with SL, but in DL the boss fights are very simplistic. Now I don't expect or want WoW type bosses in what is essentially a mobile game. But these games are mobile MMOs so I would like to see a wee bit more strategy and teamwork required to down a boss. Something that would give me a tactical reason (not just social) to want to group with friends/guildmates for PvE. So far it seems to me that just about anything can be powered through if you have enough potions(PL)/bloodpacks(DL) with little to no strategy/teamwork. I would just like some simple mechanics that required tanking, kiting, etc.
Yea gender option would be nice and at some point there is this side quest that is exclusive to each class the quest is diffrent for each classthat lets you obtain gear the other can't (would have loved this in SL as well) but not easy to obtain gear so it can be rare and not have a whole parade wearing the same gear
Zodiarck L51 engineer
Proud Phoenix
And yes lol release date as well plus a bonus for playing the first day game came out also please if their are going to be guild put something in tier3, as well as a practive pvp station in the guild that lets you pvp but without affecting recrords
Last edited by Zodiarck; 08-28-2012 at 01:04 PM.
Zodiarck L51 engineer
Proud Phoenix
I see, thank you for clarifying. As much as I can I only play with my guildmate, best friend and spouse for exactly that reason - teamwork I can rely on. I've been kiting since my early days in PL and we put much effort into solid strategy. As a result most of my DL chars (all level capped, all finished all areas) have no deaths and none of them have more than single digits (given though that my main hasn't quite broken 10k kills yet.) I see so many people with 5%, 10%, 25%, 35%, 50% deaths to kills and I think "Wow, I never want to be stuck in a dungeon with you." Then I see the seemingly rare player with similarly good kill/death ratios and I think - and tell them - "Nice kill/death stats!" Those are people who I'd be glad to have as in game "friends".
So I guess for me I'm not certain I'd like to see the bosses get tougher - skill, strategy and teamwork seem required if you care about your k/d ratio. I certainly don't want situations like in PL where the boss is essentially unkillable unless you have a very solid party of a pretty specific makeup using a pretty specific 'this is the only way to beat this boss' technique. I like being able to kill the bosses reliably and basically never die with 2 decent players with good kiting and teamwork.
2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699 95957496696762772407663035354759457138217852516642 74274663919320030599218174135966290435729003342952 60595630738132328
Lol. I care more about "Don't release it until it's solid and complete" than about "Hurry up and release it" - but a first day bonus would be pretty cool. Unless I'm dead, in the hospital or in jail (like if they make it illegal to be an online vampire) I fully intend to be there first day.
Just take all the time you need STS, please. "You have all the time in the world." -Allan Quatermain in the film version of "The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen". And "Spannungsbogen: The delay between desiring a thing and reaching out to take that thing."
2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699 95957496696762772407663035354759457138217852516642 74274663919320030599218174135966290435729003342952 60595630738132328