So, after about and hour and a half of farming the new elte dungeon, Fire Forest, I wasjust mashing my buttons impatiently, as you do in anticipation to kill Dragonet. A wee bit pissed actually, as the previous run a purple had dropped from Dragonet and my misfortune brought it to stay purple. But back to the present, not expecting much but another green or purple. I am mistaken as soon as the pink text fills the screen. AWW YEAHH BABY!
(excuse the Hate plate, it was the only thing that looked decent with the helm)
Now the question is, what to do with it to receive the maximum amount of gold? Do I sell it now, when the price is high, due to the recent launch?
Or do I wait in silence and torture, for these items to become discontinued and therefore skyrocket in price?
And when they do become discontinued will they eventually reach the price that they are now, or higher/lower?
Leave your thoughts below!