Dear TS: here's a little lesson in economics that you will understand someday, or later in life.

Current prices are not determined by any one party. In this game, it takes maybe a few hundred or maybe thousands of people to arrive at your price of 600k.

Let's create a scenario of four people, Buyer A, Buyer B, Seller A, Seller B.

SA puts up Flamestrike for 800k.
BA and BB refuse to pay the price (cannot afford, or deem it's not worth it.)
SB puts up Flamestrike for 700k, in an effort to get a quicker sale than SA. This is called undercutting.

BA and BB don't buy once more, but are slightly more willing.
SA decides to reprice at 650k, to undercut.
BA and BB refuse to buy.
SB prices it at 600k.

BA hesitates. BB, who has slightly more gold because he's been farming hard instead of whining on forums, snaps it up.

Only SA's Flamestrike is left at the price of 650k.

Either SA will lower the price till BA buys it, or BA will farm enough till it can afford 650k. It's highly possible they will meet in the middle.

Now if a lot of buyers are present, more than sellers, It will keep the price constant or push it UP due to more people willing to fork out slightly more to finally get the Flamestrike.

If a lot more sellers are present, they will continue to undercut each other until they get their own sale and prices will go DOWN.

If you've been watching the CS for weeks and the price is stagnant at 600+k, it means that for weeks, the buyer and seller crowd has been making just the right amount of deals to the point where number of sellers equals number of buyers at 600k.

And there's where you get your price.

Let me assure you that the current CS system encourages undercutting more than it should. It costs about 20+k just to list an item for that much. The system is already in the favour of the buyer-- making your complaint rather invalid, really. The current market price is indeed what the item is worth, and it's the consensus of the thousands of people who play the game.

Your unwillingness to farm up and put in as much toil as 99 other sorcerers is no one's concern. The economy is balanced.