Quote Originally Posted by legendfb View Post
My dear bro, yes we're talking about the same stupid archer. And that archer is - ummm let me think, its me.

Wanna change ur comment now?

Ah. Bit late, what you were doing, sir, is called "ks" as we few idiots call it. You were coming behind a higher level bear, and doing that pro-ish "ks", whenever you tried to lead, got killed each and everytime and said "luck". And it was like 3 or 4 times not 1. So my noobish suggestion is to stay on ks, even your +5 lvl higher dodgy bird is not match for that stupid "Lon"
lol, when I said luck it was because I didn't dodge. Plus 10-1 was my good match where you weren't lucky with your dodging. Also, you must not understand the tank and spank strategy because thats the best strat in the game. ALSO when he killed me, I was without buffs and hit by a firestorm from your mage teammate. ALSO that was a different match when you killed me 3 or 4 times. ALSO when you rush bear, I kill you 5 times in a row without dying and then you leave the match and complain of lag. You probably have "lag" as one of your chat presets. Another words..... you aren't as pro as you would think.

People say hiding behind a tank is a noob move. Guess what? It's a legitiment tactic! USE IT!!!