Nice start to a fairly unknown build! I'm still figuring out little tricks and the best alignment of stats and skills. I have found, partly because its the best weapons I've acquired, is that using a ranged has kept me out of harms way with the low armor and hp running straight dex, (still plan on sampling srt/dex and int/dex to find best combo). I like to kite at a medium distance then drop debuffs to slow them, hit evasion then rush in with rabid bite/hamstring combo, and back out before evasion wears off, it only last 3 sec. This combination has been working really well for me in PvE. I have yet to try it in PvP but seems like it might be helpful there as well. Hope this helps, and feel free to comment as I think we are all trying to figure out the best way to run this little guy.