The weapon is called flail and the shield is called triceraptor shield ,hope u like it.
The weapon is called flail and the shield is called triceraptor shield ,hope u like it.
The weapon is a pretty simple concept, but the shield is incredible. Also, kudos to you for the art work, great drawing skills
Nothing related to any players or drug references because they already got me into trouble
<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)>
I love the shield!!!
How about a better name for shield, nice art but need better name:
High Warlord's Buckler
Matriarch's Shield of the Titans
Come on help me out.
that is amazing love the look of the shield. Maybe make the Flail with some different colors, maybe dragon scales and talons to make it more dinosaur-y, to make it a little more sweeter haha
Shield looks really amazing and original, I like it.
Judgementals, Retired Officer of Rated M.