Quote Originally Posted by shhhnfight View Post
Guys! 100% positive. Saycred and Nun are the best wand mage atm.. Most of them went str... Including(azefekie, Ghost(most well known Jew ever) Cough no balls cough......
I suggest 3vs3 all wand mage Ctf. It will be rly fun!
Quote Originally Posted by azefekie View Post
we aren't "enemies" just a few of the members from each have some type of problem with another, i love the rivalry. I personally don't have a problem with unity, good friends with most....although they're a bunch of noobs . It actually makes the game more interesting when you only have one other guild that even comes close to being as good as your guild.
lmfao people amuse me...only one other guild as good as yours?? People amuse me these days...u got heart but u got too much...ill come see about these great guilds