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  1. Some PvE Feedback
  2. Guild hall visitor pass
  3. house slots
  4. Awaken Scaling or Removal
  5. Bring leveling up enjoyment back!
  6. Way that STS can use
  7. A change I would like to see for eggzavier
  8. egg-zavier suggestions
  9. Disable Zhulong aura
  10. Locked Marshland Crate Over-saturation fix suggestion
  11. Suggestion
  12. Eggzavier issue
  13. A few suggestions
  14. Ideas to reduce beggars
  15. U guys are making rich people rich
  16. Kill Counter For Egg-Zavier
  17. Toggle Skill Size Option
  18. Brand new event idea!!
  19. Eggbert the egg seller ?
  20. About Skill Cooldown Buffs
  21. About Eggerton in the event
  22. luck
  23. vanities idea
  24. join code
  25. tells
  26. suggestion about skills/passives/ultimates
  27. SUGGESTION. *for Inventory*
  28. Suggestion @ Stat point distribution
  29. Profiles and Bios
  30. Profiles and Bios
  31. Bring Betting System to Duels
  32. suggestions about duels
  33. Crazy suggestions but it might be OP
  34. How to i check my Ticket(request) 🙏 HELP ME
  35. Couple of suggestions:)
  36. ebon armors/ebon aegis
  37. Pet Back to Egg?
  38. Hotkey Icons for Hotbar
  39. friend request other characters
  40. hotbars
  41. View Player Profiles
  42. Player menues and PET menues in town
  43. Release AL Character Models.
  44. feedback about new swimsuit sets
  45. Color of bunny aa
  46. Suggestion: Town Duels
  47. Feedback to new vanities and new ideas
  48. Regarding Some Items that are not supposed to be "Unstashable"
  49. Picking up deleted quests
  50. Wearing 2 set of vanity but showing only one!
  51. PvP IDEA
  52. Pet Ideas
  53. Ways to encourage team play in new pve maps. Parlay
  54. Skill cooldowns
  55. Dreamscape
  56. idea for a new map
  57. item effect
  58. awaken searching
  59. loose camera
  60. housemate
  61. All Lvls Can Awaken For a Week
  62. Multiple stacks of *999
  63. increase slots of stash
  64. Mounts
  65. Can we pleeaase have the option to delete quests?
  66. Disappointed -.-
  67. Top 50 Guilds update
  68. Easy save money
  69. New pet
  70. Guild Tools wishlist
  71. New Boss Idea
  72. Higher gold cap + IDEA FOR GOLD CAP REJECTION
  73. The ultimate suggestion for the 76 expansion
  74. Player HP background and Hot bar
  75. Location buff hidden from bar
  76. Pet egg slotting.................
  77. Ebon vanity icon
  78. 5th skill slot on the UI
  79. Multiple stacks
  80. Removing pots
  81. Enable incoming damage for low level
  82. I would like to suggest something to be implemented in the c.s
  83. Becoming ridiculous.......
  84. Lack of a background.......
  85. Guild Hall -> Guild Hall Deed and More Guild Related.
  86. more loadouts please
  87. Auction Awake Searching
  88. loot pick up........................
  89. Guild furnishing
  90. Golden Jester Set from Sirspendsalot
  91. In order to fix "accidental reawakening"
  92. Ultimate Guild Suggestion
  93. Crafting the most op pet (Quest)
  94. Just some feedback/suggestions......
  95. Killer Kangroos!
  96. New Re-Awake System
  97. Suggestion....
  98. Hardcore
  99. Marshfoot lixirs - problems
  100. Forum/game Idea
  101. Expansion Feedback
  102. Improve Your elixir have worn off. log
  103. Transfer satchel items through
  104. Badges need an improvement
  105. Change Zhulong's aura color.
  106. achievement ideas for Vardan Valley expansion
  107. New mogera lair map
  108. Suggestion for the next type of smelly/dank set
  109. Hollow Event
  110. Idle system
  111. Awaken slot lock
  112. VB and Rally Cry Rework:DPS War Edition
  113. Turn all classes into Damage Dealers
  114. vanitys for ursoth
  115. My ideas
  116. Special Vendor to make trades safer
  117. To The Spacetime Team(Pvp)
  118. New 76 arcane weapon
  119. Spectator lix in Festerfang
  120. Multiple previews at once
  121. Entangled Bow vanity release
  122. RVP ARENA!!! (PvP thingy)
  123. Useful changes
  124. improve mausoleum
  125. Suggestion for a HC quest
  126. Feedback and suggestions for Ursoth's Assault 2019
  127. Increase death count penalty in PvP
  128. Replace Heroic Pet auras with something else.
  129. Ultimate skill suggestion
  130. Change rarity of event recipes
  131. Item Farming
  132. Arcane Weapon 31 REBORN
  133. New Ultimate Ideas
  134. Relevant XP..........................
  135. Pet stats
  136. to the developers
  137. About the house locking feature
  138. 2x Old Mythic Armor's and Arcane Weapons from Elite Chests
  139. To AL Community(Discussion)
  140. House locking system
  141. Make playing multiple classes/characters easyer
  142. Each Class job
  143. New level 76 artifact
  144. Adding ALTs to guild......
  145. Statue
  146. Favorite Characters
  147. Open x amount of chests
  148. Suggestions for pets passive abilities
  149. I think it would be a good idea to add a guild report section in game
  150. Spirit Marsh Map
  151. Locking XP Gain + PVE Kills??
  152. Valley frontier leaderboard
  153. IGN’s
  154. Requesting better upkeep on the top 50 guild list
  155. Few Suggestion
  156. Axe Throw improvement for PvE
  157. Delete thread
  158. Xp count blocks banners
  159. co gm
  160. Beatiful map
  161. New Level 76 proc
  162. Make the "M" key on PC lead to World map
  163. free camera in towns
  164. Energy Drop Rates
  165. Horn of renew (Protective shield)
  166. Mage Gale force skill
  167. A Couple of Loadout Suggestions
  168. STS Please Revive Twink! & Here Is How To Do It
  169. Halloween
  170. What is your go to pet combo?
  171. Sell OP Ebon sword
  172. Make TITLE arrange according to alphabet
  173. rogue stat
  174. korruption AA
  175. 1 hour to create another guild to keep it from happening all the time
  176. A "please" suggestion.......
  177. Jarl Doorway Entrance
  178. Free event elixirs with ad
  179. Spirit Weapons leveling
  180. Increase Gold Cap
  181. Event speed adjustments......
  182. Event loot vial Please......
  183. Furniture raise limit
  184. Al Birthday Event !!!!
  185. AL Bday;veteran rewards
  186. Update this please remi xD
  187. L76 Staff Suggestions
  188. Make equipment loadouts more
  189. Ebon Staff
  190. Make arcane 71ring/amulet bought with red raid tokens stashable
  191. Vardan Valley Idea
  192. House slot saves
  193. Furniture resize.................
  194. Camera rotation
  195. Update the Store
  196. feedback about expansion 76
  197. Legendary weps are proc-less
  198. The Valley Crates
  199. Platinum wings
  200. Great topic
  201. Horn Recipes are Unnecessary
  202. Customer Based Suggestions
  203. Rogue weapon vanity suggestion
  204. Cowboy hats
  205. Increase drop rate for new vanities
  206. My Experience With 2019 Harvest Event So Far
  207. Requesting better upkeep on the top 50 guild thread
  208. A little break from events
  209. Hidden stats
  210. Auction: Sort By Weapon Type
  211. Can we get vanities for this armor set?
  212. New vanitys
  213. This is with regards to the Lion Set.
  214. Some suggestions
  215. Additional skill slots
  216. House settings
  217. Outpost playing added to dailies
  218. energy farming
  219. Boss maps with special requirements
  220. Arlorian world boss
  221. deep bosses
  222. Winter Event suggestion
  223. Notifications
  224. Spirit Sword Proc Rate Buff on Charged Attack
  225. Winter Event
  226. pet lvl up when typing
  227. Holiday tree furniture
  228. Jewel upgrades, Weapon upgrades and removing jewels
  229. Your elixir has worn off
  230. 5 maps, 5 x loot chance!
  231. Suggestion: craft-able guild slots
  232. Valley Zone can be heaven
  233. Can you update the elusive quest?
  234. Solo Mode Vardan Valey Maps
  235. About House Permission
  236. Housing slots~
  237. Housing Loadouts
  238. Proc icon on hud
  239. House item to go outside
  240. Mogera lair
  241. just an idea for devs :)
  242. sts remove useless things from screen please
  243. Vales
  244. Spoils of war.
  245. Bald spot / pls make this vanity looks better [emoji881]
  246. make a 2nd page skill on screen
  247. [Daily] Fersterfang Relics
  248. winter
  249. Pet Fighting.
  250. Pets vs Elixirs