• SpaceTime Studios

    Published on 03-29-2010 03:20 PM   

    Pocket Legends is available now for the iPad, iPhone and iPod!

    Pocket Legends is a Mobile Massively Multiplayer Game available for the iPod, iPhone and iPad devices. It is a 3d online role-playing game where you can join thousands of players from around the world. Play with your friends and make new friends online. Cooperate to undertake wild adventures in endless dungeon campaigns!

    Play with anyone, anytime, anywhere!

    Once upon a time, the Elf Queen of ‘Alterra’ called upon animal heroes from every corner of the realm to take arms and save the kingdom from the forces of evil. With zombies spilling out of their tombs, treacherous mercenaries running amok in the castle, yetis stinking up the ice caves, demons, giant skeletons and crabby crocodiles... it’ll be no easy task!

    Become a part of this unique animal fantasy epic!

    • Assume the role of a powerful bear-like Ursan Warrior, master of all bladed weapons.
    • Become an Avian Archer, an agile hunter and marksman, expert with the bow.
    • Follow the path of the Elf Enchantress, able to command all of nature’s great and terrible power.

    Pocket Legends - it’s a great big world in here!
    by Published on 03-25-2010 09:34 AM

    In anticipation of our upcoming launch, we have revamped the website. C'mon in, look around, and please register!
    by Published on 03-24-2010 01:35 PM

    We are excited to announce that our product will launch on Saturday, April 3rd! The development has been done in secrecy (it’s neither Blackstar nor Empire of Night), and we are almost ready to show our baby to the world. Thanks for all of your support, and stay tuned for a revolutionary experience!
    Published on 02-16-2010 05:03 PM

    Hello folks, just a quick blurb to let you know that we are building a product that we consider to be the most fun, most revolutionary thing we have worked on in years. It is happening fast (thanks to our engine) and we will be talking more about it when we can, but for now rest assured that we are happy and healthy and working away on a game that is going to fundamentally change the way that people play together. Seriously.

    Spacetime Studios is an independent game development studio located in Austin, Texas. It was founded in late 2005 by videogame veterans Cinco Barnes, Gary Gattis, Jake Rodgers and Anthony L. Sommers. Since its inception, Spacetime Studios has amassed a stunning roster of game development talent with a long list of hit titles. Our collective experience encompasses award-winning PC and console games in addition to numerous ground-breaking massively-multiplayer titles including: Ultima Online, Shadowbane and Star Wars Galaxies.

    We are an experienced, extremely successful team of veterans in the genre, with a mature and professional work ethic. We are making fun, and there's no better job in the world! We are also located in one of the best cities to live in anywhere, Austin, Texas. Austin has amazing weather, incredible restaurants, a thriving game-development culture, and some of the best live music in the world.
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