Quote Originally Posted by JemNI View Post
Which brings up my question? What purpose does it serve if you are already targetting something to keep hitting the button? Doesn't that turn off your autotarget or are you watching it for how fast you kill a mob and reset it? Or can you explain how that works?
I play almost identically to Phys, although with a slightly different skill map...style is the same. So...

It is in order to target the next mob. As soon as I see 'auto' disappear, I know that mob is dead and I tap it to lock the next. It may look like random tapping/de-targeting, but at least for me, it is not. And I'd be willing to bet a lot of pretzels that Phys is doing the same...targeting the next mob in a split second as soon as 'Auto' disappears. Yeah, I occasionally randomly hit it on accident when I shouldn't and un-target someone, but another tap re-locks them.

Controlled chaos is the key to aggressive up-front archery: Staying alive while dealing max damage possible. It is not random button mashing