Quote Originally Posted by Kriticality View Post
The speed last ~5 seconds and the shield last ~10 if untouched.

lvl 41: (((259+703)*1.1)+(2.5*41)) = 1160.7 This is the protection from the new formula.

It has 10% chance to stun passive at 41 and 50% chance to terrify with AA. The terrify can be quite handy with multiple nekros to potentially stun during a rj or an extended clash. Most tanks have to jugg either early in clash or at the end of nekro shield to survive. Mages pretty much the same with shield. I know that shield seems longer than 10 seconds but it's right at 10. I love the pet and love playing against it. It addresses an element to the clashes when both sides have a nekro, of the snipes and one shots and encourages more strategy and teamwork. I wasn't around for when Sam was released, but I've heard it was similar. By the time I started, there were 3-5 Sams a side often enough. Let it run it's course. It's good the game is being more populated with them.
I agree that more nekros are good, but as it stands now, there is the exact wrong number of nekros. There are not enough that there will almost always be one per side, as is the case with Sam, but there are enough to PvP a living hell for those without it. Nekro is ridiculously overpowered.

Additionally, for some reason is doesn't seem to follow the regular debuff buff system. While a player has the nekro speed boost, blinky aa will not override it and slow. Instead blinkys slow effect will be nullified and hence made useless. However, when one has the speed boost from kettle, blinkys aa slows us and nullifies the speed boost. This needs to be addressed to provide uniformity across all pets with speed increasing aa's