1. Pocket Legends made Tanks to be the front line of defense. That means if I, as a Mage or Bird, am sustaining more damage than you while posted up behind you, you're not doing your job as a Tank.

2. Pocket Legends made Mages to be the supreme healers. That means if I, as a Tank, am sustaining the most damage and die due to your lack of healing, you're not doing your job as a Mage.

3. Pocket Legends made Birds to administer the most damage per second. That means if I, as a Tank or Mage, am losing more mana due to skill attack usage than you, you're not doing your job as a Bird.

4. Pocket Legends created this game to require teamwork. This means if you join a game and run off on your own killing enemies you are not being a team player. You're being annoying.

5. Pocket Legends created this game to give everyone equal opportunity. This means that instead of begging for items/gold, you have equal opportunity to farm just as I have to earn your items/gold.

6. Pocket Legends has created a successful and addictive mobile game. That means they really should have a support group in place to help the addicts suffering through withdrawal when the server unexpectedly goes down.

7. Pocket Legends has labored hard to make this an all around enjoyable game. That means that we should also note the positives and not just the negatives.

My Pledge to My Fellow Gaming Partners:
I pledge that, no matter which character I am, I will do the utmost possible to play my part. However, please remember that no one is perfect and I do make mistakes, as do you. I will not help beggars, but fellow players that I feel have earned my help through gameplay. Please treat me as I treat you, as the Gods of Pocket Legends don't like hypocrites. Also, above all else, please remember that this is a game. So if you find yourself getting enraged at something that is happening, take a step back, breathe, analyze the situation, and react accordingly. As Rodney King said, "Can't we all just get along?"