Updated the guide thanks to this feedback from the following forumers:

  • Coms use Singularity as well as Gravity Well - this drags enemies including the boss towards the place where you are stood pressing the Gravity Well icon.
  • These skills are not to be used at the same time! Try and spread skills use out or you will find that team will not have the use of the skill when in a critical moment the terminal needs protecting.

  • It is more efficient (during boss) if the commando pulls the mobs to the two back corners, once the mobs start moving towards the monitor, use gravitational well to pull them back. If that doesn't work, run in front of them and push them back to the wall using singularity.

  • Use targetting to get through the mobs quicker by killing them in the following order: Engineers (glow wand, grey hair) then Operatives (dual pistols) then Commandos (heavy weapon and vular head). In this way the mobs don't receive healing from their Engineers which would prolong their existence. Then removing the Ops decreases the damage that you and your party receives. Leaving you with the Commandos which take the longest to kill, however they are a lot safer with Ops and Engineers removed first.

  • Ops should also use Psychic Lash to help keep the Mysterious Figure away from the terminal.
  • Engineers should not use suppression routinely, but sometimes it is necessary if you have an inattentive op or commando, so keep it in your pocket just in case.