WOW! Get out of my head! I was just thinking the other day as I was standing in towne that PL needs a world boss event, or some type of group raid experience for the more hard-core players. Of course these events would be offered with regularity, and have items which may not be looted elsewhere, and are for endgame levels only.

I would like to see the structural mechanics of operating as an efficient GROUP implemented in PL. So many groups either stack the same classes, or lack class diversity which works, but doesn't really bring much to the table as far as taking advantage of each class and it's special abilities, buffs, etc. Sometimes I feel this dynamic is limiting to game play, as each class, hybrid, and spec do have their own unique benefits when operating as a functional part of a focused and skilled PvE group.

I would like to see the DEVS do something with this idea. It's exciting to see that others here are also interested in this type of gameplay.