Quote Originally Posted by Battlegrinder View Post
I know that PvE ins't only about the kills, and that bears aren't meant for damage dealing, but I'd still like to be able to get some kills during a run instead of having to sit ack and watch archers kill everything. The main problem I have with archers is that do so much single target damage, and deal it out so quickly, that other classes (even ones like Mage which are designed to take down lots of mobs) have trouble getting any kills at all.
Bears shouldn't be "sitting back watching archers kill everything;" they should actively be leading the birds/rest of the party. If you are effectively tanking, you will get some kills.
Another problem could be your build as a bear. I believe you mentioned you were pure strength, in which case, you wouldn't really be doing damage except with 50-51 level range with a rift set or rooter's gear from sewers, or with the massive boost of hit with the blacksmoke 2-handed weapon sets.