Quote Originally Posted by drgrimmy View Post
It is the same issue that occurred during season one with changes in the timer start and tomb
runs. The timer originally started with the first enemy killed and changed to starting upon first
acquiring aggro from the enemy. This essentially made lb times unbeatable as people set the
lb times by gathering huge mobs from large portions of the map and killing them fast to make
the boss spawn in a matter of seconds after the timer started. This was no longer possible with
the timer starting as soon as you gained aggro instead of when you made your first kill. There
was much contentious debate about this in the forums, and the developers eventually decided
to revert the timer start to how it was before the update.

This seems like an analogous situation with an update making leaderboard times potentially unbeatable.
I am not trying to minimize anyone's hard work or current excellent times, but current leaderboard
holders would be foolish to assume that the times they set now would not have been beaten later in the
season. Many people have not even been trying to set records yet this season. Again this is not to minimize
the hard work of anyone that is currently on the leaderboards, as there is no doubt that the current
leaderboard holders would likely have been setting some of these new records too as they refined
their methods. I am much aware of how touchy a subject this is, as back in season 1, when mages could
still compete for times, I held many of the records at the time of the update which made my times
unbeatable. Many people criticized me and my teammates calling us cheaters and saying that we did
not deserve our leaderboard times. I guess we proved them wrong by improving our times and staying
on the leaderboards after the update was reverted and the times could again be beaten Anyways,
the point is that the current leaderboard times would have been beaten later in the season if the ALP
was not nerfed as more people would start competing for times and refining their techniques. With the
current update it remains to be seen if it is still possible to beat the times on the leaderboard, although
I too think this will be a very tall order.

Anyways, players and developers, please keep an open mind about this. If in fact there are no changes in
leaderboard times over the next couple of weeks, I think the developers may have to do something to make
the leaderboards more fair. If it indeed turns out that a team of players with hooks gets together and
dominates the leaderboards, well good for them, and I will definitely be jealous.
partly agree,partly disagree,.......nochanges in lb just becoz we are poor, cannot afford hooks,also, i think STS should make the equivilant weapon for each classes.