Quote Originally Posted by tHelonestud View Post
elite bow is really not that bad, it's primarily because the armour has been increasing at far too slow a rate compared to damage. The whole game is now debuffs of hit% and buffs of dodge. This results in damage being all or nothing hit mean they deal no damage, dodge means you take no damage. Obviously dodge buffs need rolled back a lot and not just buffs, dodge stats on gear as well. Also though these 60% hit chance debuffs, cut them down to 20% or so and add a 40% critical chance debuff. Damage would become more reasonable making for longer, more-skill-requiring fights.

The root of your bird 'problem' is this dodge. They should just until they can fix everything, cut the buffs out of the game, and boost base armour by about 20
This is all hypothetical because STS will never do anything that drastic. Rebalancing everything....they might as well create a new game. Oh wait, they already have.

Modestly, bird dodge should be swapped with fox dodge, and we can drop my other two suggestions.