Quote Originally Posted by tHelonestud View Post
I agree, a farewell thread is not the greatest place for all of this to happen, but since it was the newest PL General Discussion thread and I was very bored, I got involved. As you said I could have walked away, and maybe I should have.
But the non-"bye-I'm-leaving-forums" part of the thread, has happened before. I actually think it's slightly more civil than here.

this is not only a fair well, but a plea, for change for the future of the forums.

One can only push so hard to have trolling decrease to a point of giving up, and I wanted to express it to the community in a constructive fashion yet at the same time leave it open to constructive feedback.

Thank you everyone for the suggestions and posts, It took alot to post this and risked whatever reputation I have, but I felt like I needed to.
