Hi fellow PL-ers,

As some / most of you might be aware, the guild leader of Tenacity, Kavanah, has resigned from Pocket Legends. In turn, I have been passed the position of leader. I have not made any future decisions as to whether the guild will continue, but as of right now, Tenacity is STILL open for applications. Hopefully, our former leader's departure will not dissuade any of your interests in our guild. We are anxiously awaiting the implementation of in-game guilds, and thank you to those who have been interested in Tenacity. It is sad to see those whom I have become friends and comrades with drift away from and or leave Pocket Legends. Although recently I have been fairly inactive, I have been up-to-date with both the STS and Tenacity forums. Currently due to a busy schedule, I do not have much time to actually play in-game. Feel free to contact me here, in-game, or on Pocket Legends if you have any questions and concerns regarding Tenacity, or if you just want to chat!

Thank you for reading,
