Quote Originally Posted by Swede View Post
That was never the intended role of the Sorcerer. The Sorcerer is supposed to be AOE Damage with some control. We don't want a dedicated support character. These are steps in that direction. Crit is just becoming the Sorcerers 'thing'. Rogues will be looked at as well and have something different. Not going to just do the same update on the Rogues as I do on the Sorcerer, then their powercurve moves up equally, just leaving the warrior behind.
Were good, we got our thing, but buffing the other classes makes sense, it is only fair. I understand the PvP crowd has it's grass is greener issues but the Elite Farmers appreciate what you are doing. We like to play as a team, and when our team mates start to lag behind, we don't get envious when they are adjusted to let them catch up. It can only benefit the team as a whole. THANKS!!!!