I have been level 50 for about 5 days.

for the first day, i was unable to get into any 'victory lap' parties. i made a post here, and then started to host my own.

the days 2-4, i saw many pink items drop, and i didnt get any that are worth mentioning.

on day 5, i got mirage robe of the cosmos, keeper staff, and cosmos helmet.

so..now, what do i keep playing for ?

here are my questions :

1) having gained the end game 'gear' for my class, what incentive is there for me to keep playing my current class ?

2) with no rewards for pvp, why should i pay for the pvp campaigns or CTF, if all it seems to be at this moment, is empty maps, as there is nothing to help improve my char with from there ?

3) what are the future plans for PL in terms of end game content. Its great that you're adding more areas and quests for lower lvl players, which essentially has led to lvl 50 players swamping these regions and swamping the CS with the pinks. But what will there actually be, to try and encourage ppl to keep playing after level 50 ?

4) Will a rewards system be introduced for pvp ?

5) Are there plans for a guild system ?

6) Are there plans for a crafting system ?

Thank you for your time.
