Quote Originally Posted by Ihateppl View Post
im just gonna make a run for that banner..

forum name: ihateppl
ign: ihateppl
content type: general discussion
description: he is such a great dude, his threads always make me feel good about my self. he really should win this, not only because he has the dashing charm that
makes forums sound alive, but he makes the game so awesome that i just wanna hug that dude, not only has he posted a multitude of threads that have helped everyone, but he has made even the most smelly trolls crumble. He joined forums in hopes that he could make it a even more fun place then it already was.

p.s. i really want that sweet banner ;D
There's no banner being awarded. The in game rotating banner are those which you see displaying images when you click on your menu sceen (Where plat and gold are displayed) If you notice there are advertisements of the other STG games and whatnot. If you manage to win then you get featured there