Quote Originally Posted by Sceazikua View Post
If you say the difference thingy and then say "plat should be only faster way to get items" then it makes zero sense, like you just bashed your own previous sentence. If you dont have plat, you farm and farm until you got 3m for the mythic armor set. Its not that hard. With plat you can buy stuff and sell for insta gold to have 3m to obtain the mythics. Opening lockeds is only pure luck, you might have imagine the chance to get arcane with little plat. Not all freemium players suck and dont have the mythic armor set.

*wave bye*
I cant buy plat because of the inconvenience in currency, so should I end up this game because the new things come? How many people will have this ring?
U didnt get my point...farming whole day for some crap item that costs 100-200k (if u r lucky) and make money to buy myth/arcane item for like 3mil - or farming whole day for some chance to loot myth/arcane from some boss...Only plats users can loot myth/arcane from lockeds and we have to farm and buy it from them...would be nice if we could loot it too and make money like them but on way to harder way.

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