Quote Originally Posted by Theholyangel View Post
Patience Bless, when they render warriors incapable of skill swappping, 90%* in my personal opinion, will be at a downfall. I and probably 2-3 other warriors in all of end game, probably only use 4 skills at a time when fighting. Just wait it out for when they can't. A little motto I heard, "when you lose, add a skill!"
It is much more than this.... Like I said above, if you have a 2-on-2 warrior battle, it will never end. Things won't be balance until this is no longer the case.

As for sorcerers needing a buff, I'm not sure if that is the answer. If it is the answer, then it needs to be something that only affects warriors. Maybe some sort of armor debuff which works in some sort of progressive manor, meaning it mostly affects players with higher armor, and has very little affect on those with lower armor.

Perhaps something like this added to one of the mage offensive skills (maybe fireball?): Armor debuff which reduces enemy armor by 25% of the difference between the enemy's armor and the caster's armor. So if my mage has 1100 armor, and a warrior has 1900 armor, then the difference is 800 and the armor reduction is 200. But a rogue who has 1300 armor would only see their armor reduced by 50, and a sorcerer with lower armor than me would experience no reduction at all. I suppose something like this would help, but I don't know if that would solve the problem completely. It may be a good start though.

I think HOR needs to be nerfed a bit. In most MMOs, mages are the ones with the best heal skill. It is crazy that a warrior's heal skill is more powerful than that of a mage.